A lesson plan on a website registered to the Virginia Department of Education has third graders learn that police hate black men and watch a video that appears to glorify communism.
Knowles says, “This is trash. This is harming children’s education. This is harming the children’s understanding of the world. It should be banned from the classroom and the teachers behind it should be fired.
“Simple enough. A teacher doesn’t have a right to go teach Nazism or communism. That’s why of course they should teach about these things but they shouldn’t be able to teach through this lens of ideology. They shouldn’t be able to teach you, yes, Nazism is good. Hitler’s awesome.”
Knowles is right. Education is supposed to guide children in learning, not misguide them. When a teacher promotes hatred toward police or presents communism as a positive thing, isn’t academic freedom. This is propaganda.
We’re not far from communism in our own public schools today. There’s no way we need to encourage it more. Instead, we would do well to return to more of the education from a century ago when it comes to history. Respect for the nation, its founders, its flag and its freedoms has long been missing in most classrooms.
Check it out and find out the details now in the latest video from Michael Knowles.