In this video, Alex Jones delivers a grim warning about the war to end all wars and exposes that the globalists in control of the government are putting us all at risk by pushing for a more robust conflict.
Jones exposes a number of propagandists shoving war down our throats, including Head of the House Judiciary Committee Adam Schiff – one of the Democrats responsible for the impeachment of President Trump.
Jones plays a must-see clip in which Schiff states, the United States is directly at war with Russia.
Schiff says that any military aide America provides to Ukraine is meant to protect our own national security interests in the region and beyond.
He continues, saying that America has an “abiding interest in stemming Russian expansionism,” before warning that we do have tens of thousands of troops stationed in the region.
The Democrat goes on to reference a witness statement, saying “The United States aides Ukraine and her people so that we fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here.”
Jones then points out that this sort of talk from the globalist is essentially, saying “we are attacking you Russia” – saying that this is the type of language that results in a giant Nuclear war.