Geneva, Switzerland, is going to be the spot where the globalist elites will meet, to decide how they are going to further manage your life.
The World Health Organization will be voting to give themselves more power regarding future international pandemic response.
This is the same organization that praised communist China and its tyrannical response to covid cases – which was to literally lock everyone in their homes to starve.
WHO has also recommended that families be separated in order to quarantine them, but they have been caught faking pandemics in previous years.
The WHO likes to work with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation as well as Bill Gates – who is one of the organization’s biggest donors – needless to say, this can pretty much tell you all you need to know.
The United States government is in full support of these new measures and have already outlined thirteen amendments, which will be voted on next week.
If this goes through, the WHO will be given international authority – One World Government, anyone?
They will have the authority to lock down nations and force vaccines, taking away the sovereign rights of citizens who will no longer be able to take charge of their own health.
According to Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, none of this is legally binding until a treaty is approved by the U.S Senate.
This hasn’t stopped them so far though, as even experts who worked for Pfizer have said that the forced injections were a “crime against humanity.”