What is going on in America?
We knew that if Biden took office, it was going to be bad, but there was no way we could have collectively predicted things would descend into madness, quite as quickly as it has.
The southern border is awash with illegal aliens, completely disregarding America’s border and immigration laws and pretty much declaring that they live here now – whether you like it or not.
There are many instances of President Biden, showing he is nothing more than a confused old man – possibly suffering from dementia.
Recently, Biden repeatedly called himself Obama’s Vice president, as everyone in the room completely ignored Joe, to talk to Barack.
Disney has exposed themselves for the true degenerates we always knew they were and since he took office, the perverts have really ratcheted up their pro gay and trans agenda, talking about anal sex and pedophilia with 5 year old children, sometimes younger.
Russia and Ukraine are now in a war and millions, possibly billions will die due to famine.
The whole place is a mess.
And what is up with people getting demon possessed? It seems to be a frequently occurring thing these days – maybe the end of times really is here.
It’s unfortunate that as advanced as we as a species have become, we are more regressed than ever – even Supreme Court judges can’t even define what a woman is – because of course, she’s not a biologist.