Like any good James Bond movie, there is always some evil genius, working against humanity, and Bond is always charged with stopping it.
Unfortunately for us here in reality, we must deal with Bond villains like Klaus Schwab, the boss of the World Economic Forum (WEF), who is heading the Globalist agenda to enslave and depopulate the planet – in the name of “saving” us.
Now, these are the exact same people who also think that they have the right to tell you, as a free human, that you MUST get the experimental, life-destroying “vaccine” that they have for you, to battle the virus they unleashed in the first place.
Not only do these people want you to get injected and starve – because they don’t want us to eat meat anymore either and are buying up farmland for themselves – we can also freeze to death as we watch our crops die.
The WEF wants to block out the sun – to “fight” climate change.
Really, this is just part of the plan to make people more reliant on the energy they sell to keep warm, and thereby enslaving the world’s population into complying with whatever they want. Comply or die.
Schwab also has the grandiose notion that one day, people will be implanted with technology – no doubt designed to ultimately control.
“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us – they will become part of us.” Schwab said.
“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices – from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets – will almost become implantable in our bodies and brains.”