The evidence of vaccine deaths and injuries is overwhelming and the numbers tell us the “vax” has caused an increase of 20 percent of deaths and a 10 percent increase in disabilities – seemingly out of nowhere.
Things are about to get much worse.
Strokes, heart attacks are all increasing and now people who have died after vaccination, are growing inside the veins and arteries inside their bodies.
They are fibrous and rubber band-like – some have small crystals and what looks like reptilian scales and wires.
Suddenly “sudden adult death syndrome” is a thing – and the mainstream media and medical “professionals” are using any excuse they can to explain away the sudden spike in deaths.
Of note, Pfizer already made sure that the company had no responsibility for anything that happens to a person after they are forced to take its covid vaccine.
Some will question why Big Pharma and those meant to help humanity, like the World Health Organization (WHO) would push vaccines that are killing people – something they knew before they rolled them out and now the FDA is considering giving the go-ahead for vaccinations in children under the age of five.
Children do not need to get a vaccine to begin with – they are the most likely to not get the virus, and if they do it would likely have been mild or not have any symptoms at all.
We can still turn it around but for those who have had three or four vaccinations for covid, it may be too late.