The brainwashed masses have been conditioned to believe that Nazis are those who dawn the American flag and vote Republican – ignoring the true origin of Nazism.
Hitler’s National Socialist party, the real Nazis, had thousands of member’s in Western Ukraine, and it remains a big part of their identity.
Ukrainians idolize Nazi war criminals as heroes and to this day there are thriving Nazi organizations within the country – including the Azov regiment, which has become a part of Ukraine’s armed forces.
However, Ukraine is not alone in these deep Nazi ties.
During the 1930s, a number of notable Americans and some of the largest U.S. businesses supported the Nazis.
These powerful entities asked Major General Smedley Butler to help them install National Socialism in the United States.
When Butler refused to do so – WW2 broke out with the support of the banks and these same nazi-sympathizing business entities.
During the war, the Catholic Church and the Vatican helped thousands of Nazi’s flee Europe and placed them mostly in South America.
Operation paperclip saw a number of Nazi’s absorbed into the U.S. to advance things like the NASA space program and helped to pioneer the military industrial complex and big pharma.
A number of well-known Nazi’s have Zionist ties and can be traced back to a region which is now known as Ukraine.
Naziism can best be described as fascism and displays a godless mentality seen among many of the “woke” groups in modern society.