The covid pandemic was nothing more than a test and humanity failed horribly.
The one good thing that the pandemic did expose, however, was who is really behind all the chaos in what looks like a controlled demolition of the world to usher in a dystopian New World Order.
Some may laugh at this and think this type of knowledge only belongs to the “conspiracy theorist” but a quick search and a few videos of watching these people talk about what they see as the way forward for planet Earth, and one would come to realize that this is all true – and they are serious.
Look at what happened over the course of the past two years, when elected officials abused their powers to instigate lockdowns on the public, ruining business and lives and then further on, the supply chain.
Not only that, since early 2021, people have been forced to take the experimental clot shot for a disease you have to get tested for, to know you even had it in the first place.
There is now an untold amount of people who have received at least the first shot, who are now suffering debilitating adverse reactions, or just suddenly dying out of nowhere.
Now there is no going back and the Globalists at the top – the World Economic Forum and all its lackies in particular – are trying to up the game to complete destruction and you can bet that lockdowns and restrictions will be coming back if Americans do not resist.