Tucker Carlson declared and offered an explanation for his belief that the 2020 presidential election was “100% stolen” in a conversation with Lex Fridman, a podcaster and computer scientist who is Russian-American.
“You implied there was some rigging of the election,” Fridman started. Was it taken?
Carlson answered, “It was 100% stolen.” “Are you kidding?”
“That big of a rig,”
“They totally alter voter behavior just before the election based on COVID—which has nothing to do with it…”
In that sense, was it rigged? Fridman enquired.
Carlson answered.
“In full. Subsequently, you restrict access to information for individuals. Whoever is complaining about COVID, which was like, it may have been detrimental to Trump. However, it’s just like whatever. You could play it in a lot of different ways, really. This is how censorship operates, which is why it is impossible in a democracy. The people are in command because they elect representatives to bring their agenda to the nation’s capital and see it through to enactment. And they get to evaluate that candidate’s performance in an election every few years. They require unrestricted access to information in order to achieve it. Furthermore, nobody has the right to restrict what information they may access, especially those in positions of authority. They must possess all the knowledge they require. It doesn’t matter if the decision-makers believe it to be accurate or incorrect, desire it or not.”
“A democracy is not possible the moment you lack it. This election isn’t free, period. And I suppose that’s quite evident in other nations. But this is unclear. Thus, although it took me some time to realize this, I would argue that this election is a referendum on democracy. Biden is elderly. His senility is palpable. He is mute. He is unable to walk. Everyone on the planet is aware of that. Go beyond our boundaries. Humans are, well, people; the entire world is aware of this. He is unable to… The most powerful nation in the world will not elect a senile guy unless there is fraud. Clearly. Who, after all, would support an elderly man? He is genuinely speechless.”
Furthermore, no one I’ve ever met believes he is in charge of the American government because he isn’t. Therefore, I believe that the world is observing this next election and stating, accurately, though many people across the world despise Trump, that democracy is a farce if Joe Biden is reelected.”
“Had the 2020 election been done like every national election hover the previous two centuries, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected,” according to a Heartland Institute study published earlier this month.
Author:Â Scott Dowdy