I mean, it’s always fantastic when Marxists openly declare their goal of brainwashing youngsters. That’s exactly what occurred when Emily Drabinski, the president of the American Library Association (ALA), spoke to a group of her fellow librarians about how she wants libraries to be spaces where children might be encouraged to embrace socialist values.
Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, a writer and psychologist, did some secret work at a meeting called “Socialism 2023” and wrote about it on her blog Substack. “This brought the ALA into the public eye. Drabinski was supposed to speak at Socialism 2023, but her talk was canceled as worries about her Marxist views grew,” Borysenko wrote. “Because of this, a number of state library groups broke ties with the national organization.”
Still, Drabinski went to the meeting and took part in some of the talks, including one called “Freedom to Gain Knowledge: Black and Asian American Solidarity Opposing Attacks regarding Antiracist Education.”
When the head of the American Library Association (ALA) got up to speak, she said that libraries need to be “on the front lines of socialist organizing.”
“After the speakers had a lively discussion, in which they talked about how to sneak communist ideas like Critical Race Theory inside the classroom even though it’s against the law (this is called ‘fugitive pedagogy’), the audience had a chance to say something.”
“Emily joined the line for the mic.”
‘”Comrade’ was what she was called, just like everyone else in line.”
When it became her turn, this is what she said:
“I am Emily, and I work as a librarian.”
(The crowd applauds loudly because they know who Emily is.)
“I would like to express my gratitude for bringing up the subject of libraries, not only classroom libraries but also school libraries in general, public libraries, as well as higher education libraries that have all faced similar attacks.”
“I agree with you that public schools need to be places where socialists can get together, and I think libraries need to be the same way.”
“Working in libraries, I have not witnessed that, but I think this is a great chance to connect what’s going on in the public school system with what’s going on in libraries, but we are also in need of help with libraries.”
“Socialists need to put us on their list of things to do.”
I spent the last three days undercover at the largest socialist conference in the country.
That's where I caught American Library Association President Emily Drabinski saying explicitly that libraries (and public schools) need to be sites of socialist organizing. pic.twitter.com/ef55rGhRLl
— Karlyn Borysenko (@DrKarlynB) September 4, 2023
This news is interesting, but it’s not shocking. People who have been paying attention know that far-leftists are spreading their ideas in schools and libraries, trying to turn young people into Marxist robots. Libraries used to be places where people could think and be free to do so. But if people like Drabinski get their way, they will just turn into places where people are taught to be leftist advocates.
In this study, Borysenko showed what the real goal of the ALA is, which is paid for by taxpayers like you. The group spends your hard-earned money to teach your children what they should believe. If it wasn’t so sneaky, it would be smart.