A U.S. Air Force Academy professor who teaches Critical Race Theory to cadets preached in The Washington Post that George Washington was a racist, the United States was founded partly on “inequality, inegalitarianism and second-class citizenship,” and “racism was ingrained in the system from the beginning, and the military still struggles with these issues.”
Shapiro will have none of it. He notes that the left accuses the military of being bad when it protects the country, but is good when it tells its cadets everyone is racist. The idea is so backwards that it should be obvious to anyone looking at the issue.
Except that it isn’t with the left. Instead, they’re more concerned about calling our first president a racist than whether Biden is protecting our border.
It doesn’t seem to matter how many people are even shot in Chicago on any given day, as long as its black mayor continues to push for gun controls and the agenda of Democrats.
And of course, in the leftist’s view, we all live on stolen Native American land and are oppressors born into privilege. It doesn’t matter if a white person is raised in a mansion or a mobile home, its systemic racism.
You have to check it out to get the details. Shapiro blows the left’s narrative away with facts as usual in his latest Daily Wire clip.