Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki doesn’t like being asked tough questions in the briefing room – especially about guns.
In the latest viral video from the Blaze, you’ll catch a firsthand look at how Psaki reacts to being cornered on Biden’s view that the rise in crime is due to guns.
Instead of answering, she immediately blames the past administration (AKA Trump) and switches to Biden’s $5 billion in the America’s Job Plan to “help address community violent intervention programs.”
But at least she says Biden supports spending more money on policing. Only $300 million compared to “intervention,” but at least she’s not advocating to defund the police like some of the radicals on the Squad.
The greatest concern may be that Psaki takes offense to even addressing guns. It is the Second Amendment, after all. You don’t have to like firearms to support Americans legally owning them.
But the Biden administration wants to blame every shooting on handgun accessories and background checks. Apparently if AR-15s were suddenly illegal, crime would magically drop.
The truth is that Biden’s gun controls hurt law-abiding citizens rather than stopping crime. Whether Psaki likes it or not, that’s a problem the Biden administration can’t ignore.
Check it out and see for yourself in the latest video from Glenn Beck and the Blaze.