Matt Walsh from “The Matt Walsh Show” points out that Americans are more outraged over abused puppies than aborted babies when it comes to Fauci and his connections with the NIH.
People have known for some time that aborted fetal tissue has been used in the development of some of the COVID-19 vaccines. This is a big reason for Americans who have a desire for a religious exemption to taking the vaccine.
But it was the NIH’s funding of sicko experiments on dogs that has finally brought PETA and the left into the fight against Fauci. How could he abuse puppies? That monster!
Walsh uses the contrast to show the true values of many Americans, at least those holding to leftist views. Abortion is seemingly okay, but hurting a poor little doggy? That’s the unpardonable sin.
While we would all agree abusing animals is a bad thing, it says a lot about a person and about our society when the puppies get more airtime on mainstream media than aborted babies. Hurting dogs is apparently not able to fit in the left’s narrative, so they had to call it out. If we could see the same concern for infants in the womb, maybe we could do something about stopping any more than the nearly 65 million abortions that have taken place in America since Roe v. Wade.
Check it out now for the full details.