On the House floor, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) turned full scorched earth on Speaker Pelosi for reinstating a mask mandate on members of the House and their staffs, accusing her of “medical apartheid.”
His one-minute speech unleashed what many Americans have been thinking. He said, “Madam Speaker, you are not God! Your will does not bend the force or shake the mountains and let me assure you your will does not bow the knee of millions of my countrymen who refuse to heed your callous command to threaten arrest on others for their own personal medical decisions is nothing short of a medical apartheid and I will not let it stand.
“For if I am too cowardly to bend the kneed here like those on the left wish then what is to stop you all from taking your tyranny to the rest of this country that I love?
“How dare anyone in this institution attempt to dictate to the patriots of my staff how they may live their lives. For one to think that because they have the title honorable attached to their name means that they may dictate what others may say and thing repulses me.”
And there’s more… Check it out now and watch the video that the nation is talking about as the House continues its mask controversy.