Elitists in the media have been desperately trying to stop Americans from daring to have free thought – but why?
Media outlets like CNN have made the claim that the words “Do your own research” are helping to spread vaccine misinformation.
CNN’s Brian Stelter has been part of an all-in attempt by the network to convince the masses that a silly little thing like thinking for yourself is making it harder for the United States to handle the pandemic.
The network has been pushing the message that free-thinking is dangerous as they want you to simply obey and submit to the agenda they are shoving down your throats.
Other networks like MSNBC who have pushed similar messaging, have suggested that it is their job to control what people think – and nobody else.
Stelter, meanwhile, has been traveling around the country to “inform” young children about exactly what they should believe, and the types of media they need to be trusting.
The left is no longer even trying to hide it anymore – they are openly telling you that you must comply with whatever they tell you to do.
A society filled with compliant individuals who are incapable of free-thought is exactly what the globalists looking to usher in the great reset are looking to achieve. Compliance and falling for their propaganda filled narratives makes it easier for them to assume power.