A reported nailed White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on a new report involving First Dog Major.
He said, “The conservative transparency group Judicial Watch released secret service records on dog bites involving first dog Major. One email said that secret service agents were bitten every single day for eight days from March 1st to March 8th and that a White House visitor was as well at a March 9th briefing you only described one fighting incident to us.”
He added, “Obviously that is not the world’s most important story but it is significant because we expect honest information even for minor stories. So can you explain to us why there was a kind of misleading account presented to us and if we can’t get honest information about minor stories why should we have faith in the administration’s account for larger issues like Afghanistan?”
The question makes a good point. If we can’t trust the White House for a straight answer on dog bites, what else is the administration hiding? The answer is likely “a lot.” One other example, why won’t the Biden admin call the Taliban a terrorist group of the enemy? One of many odd questions the White House refuses to give a straight answer to.
Find out more in the latest video from Dinesh D’Souza.