We have all been witness to how world “leaders” have behaved during a pandemic, they love to use fear to control people and push through their laws while no one is looking.
Vaccines are probably one of the least trusted services provided by Health Care workers now too, because of the lies that were used to cover up the thousands of adverse reactions that are now associated with the covid shots.
Now the world is looking at, yet another pandemic and President Joe Biden has bought up millions of doses of smallpox vaccines, which can be used to prevent monkeypox.
It wouldn’t be so suspicious if we hadn’t all just lived through the past two years and had to suffer tyrannical leaders using their emergency powers to take away your right to freedom.
People have been censored, canceled, ridiculed and shut out for questioning why we would need to have a vaccine for a common cold.
Of course, this is all being pushed by that greedy little goblin, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who owns shares in the pharmaceutical industry and reaps the benefits of being a government official who is forcing an injection that he personally makes a profit from.
Conflict of interest anyone?
So, now we have an outbreak that is allegedly spreading through gay sex, now that the covid terror has finally waned.
Of note, Microsoft ex-CEO Bill Gates, warned in the past year that there will be a monkeypox outbreak – despite the fact that it had never left the continent of Africa and primarily contracted through contact with rodents and primates.