Mark Levin’s fiery takedown of leftist hysteria hit a new high as he revisited the liberal meltdown that began the moment Donald Trump crushed Hillary Clinton in 2016. The day after Trump’s historic victory, the left’s snowflake army mobilized, and liberal universities scrambled to coddle their emotionally fragile students. At the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), classes were canceled, and “safe spaces” were set up for students mourning the election results. Yes, because nothing says “higher education” like crying in a corner over democracy in action.
Levin played a TikTok video from Avery, a Trump-supporting student who had the courage to speak out about her experience at UCLA during the meltdown. “All of my professors gave students time off to heal and mourn the loss of our country,” she said. Let that sink in—professors gave weeks off, not for a national tragedy, but for an election they didn’t like. Welcome to the left’s version of resilience.
Avery recounted what happened when she dared to share her opinion in a discussion group after classes finally resumed. When asked how she was coping, Avery said, “I’m doing well. I voted for Trump, and I think this is going to be a great four years. I’m here to learn, not to talk about politics.” You’d think this would be a moment of adult dialogue. Wrong. She was promptly kicked out of the class and told not to return. Her crime? Voting for Trump and calmly expressing her views.
“I was labeled a threat to my fellow students’ safety,” Avery explained. “I didn’t say anything offensive; I simply answered a question honestly.” Imagine that—honesty is now a safety hazard on liberal campuses.
Levin didn’t hold back: “What should happen here is a good lawyer with a California license should step up and sue UCLA. This is a blatant violation of her First Amendment rights.” He’s absolutely right. Free speech is only celebrated by the left when it aligns with their fragile worldview. When conservatives exercise their rights, they’re silenced, demonized, and cast out.
The real lesson here is that the left doesn’t want dialogue; they want domination. But as Avery said, “We cannot be silent anymore.” Conservatives are waking up, speaking out, and refusing to bow to the mob. The days of being shamed into silence are over.