Justin Trudeau has revealed his true colors as a full-blown dictator interested only in ruling over the Canadian people as he sees fit, and after invoking the Emergency Powers act, many are warning the evil prime minister may be looking to take things a step further to shut down the peaceful freedom convoy.
As if attempting to force protesters into economic suffering by freezing their bank accounts wasn’t bad enough, Trudeau is now trying to craft his own narrative about the truckers to have an excuse to unleash violence against them.
More than 2,000 firearms were stolen from a shipping lot, and a former Canadian military sniper said that multiple sources have warned that Trudeau’s government may be planting these weapons in Ottawa to use in some sort of false flag event that would falsely paint the trucker’s protest as a violent movement.
Beyond that, many who support the freedom convoy have begun noticing the suspicious ascension of questionable individuals into leadership roles, as many suspect Trudeau may also be planting certain people at the top of the protest to serve as fake leaders of the movement.
One commentator said “most people don’t even know where these people came from, how they got involved, how they ended up doing all the speaking.
He continued, “these people are not even truckers … and conveniently they seem to be holding a lot of keys somehow.”
“If they have this media story, which is it what it is … the media will run with that and then the government will use that to say they’re negotiating in bad faith. It’s a setup.”