While the world is distracted by the ever-present threat of nuclear war and the theatrics of the conflict in Ukraine – the globalists have unleashed an even more dubious threat on the world which could kill billions – and it’s all a part of their planned great reset.
Countries have quietly been banning exports of critical grains such as wheat and corn, amid a global shortage which is just the start of a major food apocalypse.
China has strategically been buying up grain supplies in order to have a reserve for the worsening shortages – something which the U.S. has failed to do.
This video warns of the ripple effect that the dwindling grain supplies will have, with severe price increases on everything we eat.
It goes on to predict that prices will get so high, in fact, that it will create a mass hysteria and a run on the grocery stores which will fall right into the globalists plans.
In order to deal with the shortages, the government will react by implementing a food rationing “passport” system which will brand people with the mark of the beast.
The government will also make prices worse, by spending trillions more on stimulus checks to “help Americans afford food.”
All of this will eventually result in the globalists in power saying that if people want to participate in the food rationing program – which will be the only way to buy food – that they must use the central bank digital dollar system and hand over total control over their lives.
Make no mistake about it – this is the great reset and its unfolding before our very eyes. Be prepared.