Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas sparred with Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts over the debt ceiling and government spending in an epic meltdown in the nation’s Capitol Building.
“My colleagues on the other side of the aisle are asking us to support a half a trillion dollar increase in the debt, half a trillion dollar. The American people can’t even keep up with what those numbers even mean, but they do know that those dollars are being used to fund government tyranny over their lives. That’s what those dollars are being used for,” Roy said.
“For a border that’s not secure, for cartels that are ripping into Texas, for critical race theory being taught to our children, to not fund police, to have the FBI going after parents in school boards, vax mandates shutting down businesses, forcing people to comply or they lose their job.
“Energy poverty, preventing people from actually getting the energy to heat their homes, drive their cars, adn go to work. That is what my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want us to borrow half a trillion dollars to keep funding. So please forgive me if I vote no to rack up more debt for my kids,” he added.
And there’s more check it out now in the video below.