CBS Denver reported a dispute over the Pledge of Allegiance erupted in Silverton this week. Mayor Shane Fuhrman suspended the practice of saying the pledge during board meetings, but Town Trustee Molly Barela questioned his power to make that change.
During the public comment time, two board members and other attendees wanted to recite the pledge. Fuhrman said they were “out of order.”
But the accusation didn’t stop American-loving patriots from reciting it anyway. You take the pledge out of the agenda, but you can’t take it away from Americans.
When did mayors get to the point that the Pledge of Allegiance is unimportant? It certainly wasn’t from practicing traditional conservative American values.
The ongoing barrage to remove American traditions from meetings and events continues to view patriotism as a bad thing. But patriotic Americans know better.
We say the pledge to remind us of the values we hold dear. We are one nation, under God, whether certain mayors approve or not.
So if you haven’t recited it in a while, take a few seconds to say it loud and proud today:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
Check out the video and remember once against why the pledge still matters today.