From Campus Reform – With inflation on the rise, Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson went to the University of Florida to talk to students about inflation and whether they were concerned about the increased prices for everyday goods.
Students initially told Campus Reform that they weren’t too worried about inflation. “It could definitely be a problem in a couple of years but as of right now I’m not so sure,” one student said.
Another student said, “Not really, I feel like inflation is happening all the time.”
Jacobson then asked students to guess how much the price of gasoline rose over the past year. Students were underestimating the rise in gas prices and were shocked to learn the cost had risen over 45%. “That’s a lot,” one student said.
“But that’s kind of why I don’t drive…because of gas,” one student said. Students then had to guess how much the price of used cars had gone up.
“It’s almost like inflation is taking money out of our pockets,” one student said in response to learning that cars are now 45.2% more expensive.
Jacobson then asked students to guess how much the price of beer rose over the past year. Students, who once again underestimated this increase, were appalled at the 70% increase. “That’s atrocious,” one student said.
“It makes having a fun night more expensive,” another student said. Do these statistics make students more concerned about inflation? Watch the full video above to find out.