For those who have been paying attention this past couple of years, you know that the vaccines that were rolled out during the covid pandemic – do not work.
Not only do they not work, but they can also actually make you far sicker than if you had covid itself.
Ironic when you consider it is alleged to keep you out of hospital if you get covid – a statement that is often touted but if the vaccine worked, you would not get covid in the first place.
Canadians are a polite bunch, who have followed Prime Minister Trudeau’s advice about being shot in the arm by the experimental shot – that has caused thousands, if not millions of people to develop heart conditions including myocarditis and pericarditis.
Canadians are still following the brainwashing of Trudeau and his government, as many say that they will indeed get a fourth shot, yes you read that right, a FOURTH shot.
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must decide; carry on with this ridiculous façade, or finally admit that you may have gotten it wrong.
Instead, Canadians are doubling down on their belief that the vaccines work, despite a huge amount of evidence to the contrary.
It is a sad situation when the people you are trying to help, refuse to acknowledge reality and instead decide to attack you instead of the people who are actively trying to ruin their lives – the government.