Those conservatives that have been against the covid jabs since the very beginning, have warned that former President Donald Trump will eventually become the scapegoat for Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma, since it was he who took the brakes off proper procedures through Emergency Authorization and initiated Operation Warp Speed.
Unfortunately, those conservatives were right and now mainstream media, and the Biden administration are about to announce that the vaccines are in fact deadly and that the blame lays solely at the feet of Trump.
Many supporters were frustrated by Trump, who continued to peddle the vaccine as “safe and effective” and encouraged people to take it, even though evidence began to mount that the vaccine neither prevented a person from contracting covid or spreading covid and was instead causing healthy young people to suddenly drop dead due to heart attacks and strokes – among other adverse reactions.
This was the plan all along, however, to destroy Trump and prevent him from ever running for office again.
Mike Adams of Natural News and Alex Jones of Infowars, both called this exact scenario from the very beginning in what has to be one of the worst cases of “we told you so” ever.
“They are setting a trap for Trump and at some point, when they have injected enough people and they know its too late for tens of millions, they’re gonna flip the script and say, “oh my God, we were pressured to do this by Trump, Trump made us cut corners, Trump rushed it through” – that story has now run.” Adams said.
And they know it’s too late.